FREE Patients' Referrals
To Professionals Who Care 
Doctors, Therapists & Specialists


Patient Inquiries
The following is a sample list of Arab & international as well as USA patientsinquiries seeking treatment by specialists.

Patient inquiries are generated through a number of informational channels in addition to web site registrations at local and foreign search engines. 


Arab & International - Patients' Inquiries:

  1. Guillain - Barre syndrome: Saudi Arabia
  2. Hip joint surgery & Cross-Eyed Surgeries: Saudi Arabia
  3. Neurology - Pediatric: Saudi Arabia
  4. Cancer: Saudi Arabia
  5. Trigeminal Neuralgia: Bahrain
  6. Dermatology: Bahrain
  7. Epilepsy: Kuwait
  8. Neurology - Pediatric: United Arab Emirates
  9. Arnold Chiari Malformation: United Arab Emirates
  10. Brain Surgery: Egypt
  11. Kidney transplant: Nigeria
  12. Spinal cord injury: Nigeria
  13. Neurosurgery/orthopedic surgery: Nigeria
  14. Rehabilitation: Spain
  15. Back Pain: Pakistan
  16. Loss of movement in fingers and legs: Yemen
  17. Infantile Spasm - United Arab Emirates
  18. Myasthenia Gravis Specialist
  19. Mother With Brain Tumor - UAE
  20. Needed Back Neurosurgery - Saudi Arabia



USA - Patients' Inquiries:

  1. Needed - Breast reconstruction
  2. Needed - Ankle/muscle injury: Orange County
  3. Needed - Gynecologist, Los Angeles
  4. Ob/Gyn: Orange County
  5. Treatment Of Genital Warts
  6. Hemorrhoids Treatment
  7. Cauda Equina Syndrome Specialist
  8. Needed Cancer Specialist
  9. Needed - Cardiology Specialist
  10. Needed - Endometriosis Treatment: O.C. or LA
  11. Needed - Fertility Specialist
  12. Needed - Fibromyalgia Specialist
  13. Needed - GP/Internist in Orange County, CA
  14. Needed - Clinical Hynotherpist - Orange County, CA
  15. Needed - Neck Pain Specialist
  16. Parasite Specialist - Orange or San Diego Counties
  17. Needed - Rehabilitation Hospital
  18. Needed - Woman Doctor
  19. Needed - Hand specialist 
  20. Anterior Cervical Disc Fusion
  21. Needed - Endometriosis Treatment 

Patient Inquiry Form
Arab Patients Referrals

We Will Refer You To The 

Specialists In The World

1. Do you have the following information about your services in 
Arabic language:

Hospital admission requirements, hospital/clinic policy, treatment fees, accommodations for the Arab patient and his/her family, general information about the specialist or the hospital.
2. Is above information readily 
available in Arabic language through your web site?

3. Can I ask you in Arabic language about the treatment of my medical condition?
4. Will you respond in Arabic language to my questions?

    It is strongly recommended that Arab patients avoid treatment by foreign specialists, clinics or hospitals not willing to provide their information in Arabic language. Also, Arab patients should contact CI for a list of foreign specialists, clinics or hospitals that do provide their information in Arabic language.
  • NOTES:

  • Since the Arab patient is expected to pay for all treatments before leaving the hospital and even pay a deposit toward a treatment, the foreign specialists, clinics and foreign hospitals, should at least provide its information to Arab patients in Arabic language. 



Consultants Institute
P.O. Box 748
Lake Forest - California 92609-0748, U S A


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